01 September 2010

A Thought.

This morning I woke up at 5:40am to get to a yoga class, and while the class itself was wonderful, my anxiety because of an unrelated issue (which coincided with yoga this morning, unfortunately) overcame me by the end of the class. My only goal for the morning was to finish the class, and get out of there. Then I came home and drowned my sorrows in raisin bran cereal.

This morning Stephanie Nielson blogged about the last three years of her life, from the fatal plane crash of 2008, to the many hurdles she jumped over in 2009, and now her satisfaction and joy in 2010. She is making progress, and I can no longer complain. I am blessed. She is blessed. We are all blessed.

We Are Women, and we have great potential in our lives.

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